Thursday 27 September 2012

The dream..

We thought about not including the bedroom bit in the music video. Below is an image of the set design we thought of for the bedroom. The reason for not having it would make the audience a bit more confused and it would allow them to do some thinking about what the video was about instead of saying 'this is a dream'. We all liked the idea of having a reflection onto the bedroom part of the video - this would make this shot have an element of water about it. However by not having it the video might become more arty as it is all surreal instead of having some reality shots and other dream like shots. By getting rid of the girl dream would however leave us with only two elements. By having two elements its hard not to make it repetitive and boring. Also by making the underwater aspect of the video being able to be watched for that long and still being interesting might be hard to achieve. We came to the conclusion that we should get rid of the dream part of the video for many reasons: the shots don't really add anything as they aren't interesting or impressive, it also makes the video make sense and shots of a girl dreaming isn't very interesting to watch in itself. 

To overcome the problem of having only two elements we have two options:
1) The first option is leaving it as two parts to the video but just really trying to make them have a variation so that they aren't repetitive. One of our group had the idea of having a corridor in which the girl who does the lip sync walks into to find the underwater world - and this shot can be brought back so that she goes in different doors - this uses the idea that we had of a girl slow motion running to open a door which takes her into the underwater world. However there are limitations with this - firstly the fact that that would mean we have two locations as well as the school, these being the pool for the last shot of the girl jumping in which is 30 minutes away and then also Leith Hill Place (picture below) which would be for the big corridors which is 20 minutes away but not in the direction of where the swimming pool is. Also does this aspect of the video add interest? And would the different doors lead to a different world? If so we need to come up with another world - and this may be a bit too much to do in the time that we have to make this music video. 

2) Our other option is to have another lip sync. This would be the girl imagining herself in the water with the water fairies. This would add another element to the video so that it is now 3 elements. But this may cause a bit too much confusion. The shots would consist of the singer being in shots with the waterfairy. However a problem with this idea is that now we have decided to only have one girl underwater it may not be that clear that she is imagining herself in that world that it would be if she joined all of the other water fairies. I don't know whether this would be confusing the video too much that maybe people won't understand why she is lip syncing in the water when she is out of the water. It would be her imagination but how could we convey that?

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