Wednesday 26 September 2012

Thinking about the set.

The set for our bedroom would be similar to this picture which is from a music video created at this school. We would however want it to be completely white - the wall paper, the sheets etc.. We would also like a bedside table which had a lamp on it. It would be very simple which would contast to the magical world underwater.

We also talked about the idea of having a the girls ghost walking out of the sleeping girls body - this would create the lip sync section. This is a similar idea to the shots shown underneath in this video. This would show a difference between her dreaming and whats happening in her dream. It would happen at the beginning of the song and her ghost would be in the exact same position as the girl sleeping but when the singing starts the ghost (like girl) would lip sync to this and then walk out of the girls whos sleeping body. 

We would use a corridor for one of the shots - this would be the shot after the girl (ghost) has risen from the sleeping girl. We would shot this slow motion so that her hair was all over the place and it would also make this shot seem slightly distorted which is something that dreams are like.. She would then open a door which would be at the end of the corridor and this would take her to the underwater world. - This transition is very surreal which goes with the dreamlike feel to the video.


The images above (left and right) is a location that we could use. It's an old house called Leith Hill that we are able to get to quite easily. It would be quite dark which might make it more eery that we would want it to be but it could work. The picture of the girl is the kind of thing we want - the hair and what she is wearing, obviously not the setting. But by joining these shots up and by having this girl running in a corridor it could make a interesting looking shot especially if we edit it using slow motion.

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