An artist that is similar to our artist is 'Delilah'. Delilah is a singer/songwriter who has collaberated with 'Chase and Status' who are electronic music production. Our artist is a singer/songwriter so by looking at how Delilah appeals to her audience and who this audience is it will help us with our products for this fanbase too. By collaborating with Chase and Status this helped both of the artists widen their appeal as they are from different genres. Delilahs websites homepage looks like this:
By looking at her statistics on YouTube at her song 'Shades of Grey'. We can see that she appeals most to 13-17 girls - you can see that her appeal is a lot more to females than males. By looking at this it shows that her appeal isn't just for teenagers but actually is broader. This is something we want too as our artists music is more mature and sophisticated than just a girl singing pop tunes.
But we can see the difference in the audience of Chase and Status as theirs is prodominately a male audience. This shows that by them collaborating these males will be listening to Delilah, and visa versa.
Another artist that has a similar target audience to ours and the same sort of music is Ellie Goulding. She is also a British singer/songwriter. She has similar statistics to Delilah yet more male appeal. This might be because Ellie Goulding is seen as an attractive girl that men want to date.
Ellie Gouldings artwork is similar to something that we want ours to look like. It's magical and a lot about lights - this would not only go with our music video but also the type of music that is on our artists album. Here are two I particularly like because of them being very feminine and about the artist - by her looking into the camera or it just being her it shows how it is all about her and her music.

And like Delilah her website has many photographs of her which have been taken by herself or friends (usually instagram) - which shows how ordinary she is and how girls can relate to them, which works with her image of being a down to earth girl. (Top Delilah, and bottom Ellie Goulding). This is something I feel that we should include on our websites for our artist as their audiences are around their age - so this should be something that girls their age aspire to be like. It shows their actual lives being quite similar to their fans which is something that the fans like as it shows that they aren't at all that different to them. It shows them as real people who have friends and have a sense of humour which people might not always see - by fans liking seeing this it shows that its not all about their music for them but actually the personality of these artists which is why they appeal.

Looking at these two artists who have the same music and are part of the same genre to ours we have decided that our target audience will be 18-30 year olds.
I had a look at their facebooks. You can see that they both are promoting themselves on their cover photos (the big band - photo - at the top of the screen). Delilah is promoting her tour so that any fans that come onto her page will see this immediately. Ellie Goulding is promoting her new album as her cover photo is a picture of her album cover. This is so that any fans that come onto her page are reminded that she has an album and this may trigger them to buy it.

Here you can see the posts that their pages have got on them - obviously they don't do them themselves but they have someone who updates them so that the fans keep getting updated. By adding the pictures and posts it gets the fans feeling that they are more connected to the artists and shows them as being normal down to earth people. It's a way of keeping their relationship with fans - and is something that we should definitely rememeber. There are pictures and videos of live performances and meeting people - which is what any person would normally do on facebook (upload pictures and statuses), and this appeals to the audience of 18-30 as a lot people this age are on social networks.
Heres a few statistics to back this up (Facebook):
11% of the world population has a Facebook account
50% log on to Facebook everyday
30 billion pieces of content are shared a month.
And it definitely is used by not only teenagers as this graph shows that social media use is becoming more even across the age gaps:
Heres a print screen of Ellie Gouldings statistics of who likes her page. You can see the most popular age for people liking her Facebook page is 18-24 year olds which goes with our target audience. A lot of my friends are around this age - and you can see that quite a few (40) of them have liked her page - this shows how these ages are who she appeals to.

I looked at both of their photo albums and they both seemed to have an album called 'Instagram' - left Ellie Goulding, right Delilah. There are 50 million users of Instagram and 22% of most photos taken online are taken on a mobile phone. By the artists also having these it updates the fans with more personal information - instead of just artwork (album covers). It appeals to this audience because they probably have the app too and upload photos themselves. Its another way of just showing the fans more about them as real people. This shows that the fans aren't just interested in their music or image but actually in what kind of people they are - this is something I think we should definitely think about for our website as this obviously appeals to the audience that we are also targeting. (They also have both got Twitter accounts - this is another way of connecting with their fans).