Heres a picture that I took whilst the two girls were doing a shot together whilst we were experimenting with the fans. I like this picture as it shows the hair movement. Also during this test Georgies skirt was blowing up which actually shows that the material on the dress should do the same but more as it is more lightweight too.
The camera that we used actually has a slow motion effect on it so we are planning to do another meeting - possibly tomorrow - trying this out as we think that this would look really effective with the hair going slow motion and their movements and costume. After doing this test I am actually really looking forward to shooting our real video as the cast are great and hopefully our video will look beautiful. Heres a picture I took of Georgie and Annabel looking into the camera whilst the fan was blowing up their hair gently - I tinted it blue just to give an idea of the sort of thing we want our video to look like. I love this picture as its very elegant of both of them. :)
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