Sunday 7 October 2012


We have all had a look on ASOS and Topshop for white dresses. The problem with the dresses on all of these websites is that the material used to make them is too thick and heavy. Which is something we don't want. The material we need needs to be as lightweight as possible - this might mean that its quite see-through. But we can overcome that by putting her in something underneath (thin aswell). 
Here is a picture of the sort of material we want for our dress. It's thin, nearly see-through and very lightweight. However sadly this dress is yellow and only comes in this colour and its not white - also it doesn't have sleeves which is something that we do want so that the sleeves blow up with the fans. 

Thinking about the colour white know I had a look at ASOS and found these two dresses. (one above and the one below). This dress (above) has a good bottom to it as it has many ruffels. This would work well for the underwater bit as the dress would go out to different directions and it has a good texture. However it may be a bit too thick and the top half isn't what we are looking for as it does not have sleeves. And sleeves is something that looked really good in the 'underwater dance' so we are thinking that by having lightweight material as the sleeves will look good especially for close up shots of her face as you will still see in some of the shots the material.

Here is a dress that I found which has the blue tie around it which is something we initially wanted. Although this is a maternity dress it might actually work for the outside world because of its floatyness. Also it doesn't look like very thick material. It is girly which is definitely something that we wanted. The dress outside of the water is a lot more easy to decide on as it doesn't need to be blown up using fans, but it just needs to be white, pretty and quite floaty.

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