Wednesday 3 October 2012


In class we made our storyboard of exactly what we want to happen. We did this whilst listening to the song so we could hear when we want which shots to be in sync with which part of the music. This really gave us the idea of how the two main elements of our music video would come together and made us think about what close-up shots we want, and more about the underwater element. By creating this is showed how the idea as a whole actually works, and how the two parts of the video could work really well together. Our storyboard is quite visual, we added colour- the reason for this was to show that the two shots involve the colour blue so how they link, and also to show the beauty of the video. We want to make sure that we do take a lot of different angled shots, some tracking shots etc.. It also showed the importance of lighting as we must make sure that the two different worlds - underwater and above - really compliment eachother and not clash. By producing the storyboard to this standard it made us more confident on our idea as a whole - and as you can see we are all pretty happy with how are idea is developing! 

There is a shot that we want to use (which we put on the storyboard) which is a hand underneath water and a hand above water - the girl below is trying to temp the girl above water to come in with her. This isn't a forceful movement in anyway, but just shows the girls coming together and how one is coming into the others world. We shot a picture of me and another member of my group holding hands, and I decided to firstly edit it as if it was all in water (below left) and then another which shows the water and above water (right). Obviously these are very roughly edited but I just wanted to see what the actual concept would look like and which we prefer. We may decide that it is at first like the one on the left, but eventually it will all be in water. This is just an experiment - yet I feel that if we do it either using the green screen or water it could look be a shot that really brings everything in the video together.

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