Monday 12 November 2012


Here are a few photos that we took on the shoot day of Georgie, Sasha and Annabel. We wanted to take some in the blue light as it looked really pretty and just to get some stills from the shoot.
Here are a few of the better ones from Evies camera.
Here is a picture of Georgie which has not been edited at all. I've left it blue becuase her eyes and the shadows on her face in this colour look really nice - plus its nice to keep some of them coloured as this goes with our video. Here is a picture of Annabel which is slightly blurred but I like it because of the focus on the eyes. Also the blackness of the background contrasts with the soft greys that have been edited in.

These two pictures of Sasha are very different yet the facial expression of her is similar in both. I took the above one, which I like because it is quite dark yet detailed. Also her eyes look amazing. One thing that does not come out of this photo is the sparkle of her lips which I kind of wish was there as this really adds a magical touch.

This photograph I find quite interesting. It was taken by Evie. I like the blue effect however the fact that it isn't focused on her eyes makes it not as strong maybe as some others. Although I do like that it is focused on the hair - which is very pretty as it falls really naturally but looks full of life. Her facial expression is quite neutral which goes with the idea of feeling numb (like the song).

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