Thursday 15 November 2012

Album back

Today I have been working on the album cover back. I have had ideas for the front but need to make sure that the back ties with it well. We decided that the track numb would be our 12th track on the album as it is a remix. Here is a print screen of the tracklist that me and my group came up with:

In photoshop I have been creating album back covers. I started off with a black square which I then cropped the image of Georgies hair swishing in the wind to cover the square. I then wrote out the tracklist onto it, and the credits at the bottom. By looking at similar artists I experimented with the positioning of the track list. Here are two print screens of the backs I came up with in Photoshop. The first of them has the tracklist central (below).

Then to the side. (below). I did like both of these, but I prefered the central because it was a bit different and also looked quite girly as girls are stereotyped as perfectionist, and with it being bam right in the centre it shows this perfection going into the product. I added the things that are essential to album covers (bar code, copyrights etc..) to all of these.

I also decided to add track numbers because I thought that this is helpful to the audience because they can immediately see which song is what number without having to go down counting them. I am really happy with this one. Obviously it could change but by me making these just as ideas it is really bringing our product together. Also the website is very much black and white which is why I made sure the album colour followed that look. Its feminine, understated and sophisticated which is something we want for all of our products.

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